Report: Previous Summits

“The Sun will Rise Again: What our Generation can do”

The world’s values and standards are shifting.

As the advanced economies—Japan, the United States, and Europe—slow down, emerging economies are on the rise, and the geopolitical weight is shifting from the United States and Europe to Asia. As part of this change, Japan is in relative decline, and business outside major cities is being adversely affected by the hollowing out of the economy. With the advent of blogs, Social Networking Sites (SN)S, and Twitter, the internet and mobile phones are becoming increasingly important. The entire world is faced with mounting challenges, including global warming, energy, and food security.

We launched the G1 Summit last year so that leaders of our generation can discuss and take action based on an awareness of their role as leaders, and paint a vision for the rebirth of Japan in a turbulent world.

The name is derived from our aspirations that the globe will become as one, that we can become No. 1 if we have a Global mindset, and that our generation will unite as one.

The purpose of the G1 summit is for all participants, who comprise of a new generation of leaders from different fields, to discuss and learn about a range of issues including politics, economics, business, the environment, society, science and technology, education, and culture. We aim to create an environment where participants acquire the knowledge and perspectives required as leaders responsible for the well-being of society, as a springboard for them to establish a vision, foster mutual exchange, and take concrete steps to build a better society.

The G1 Summit values the following principles:
(1) Make proposals rather than mere criticism
(2) Take actions, do not just form ideas
(3) Foster awareness as the next generation of leaders

I believe that some of the participants will go on to become prime ministers or Nobel laureates, while others will become leaders in the business community and people capable of making outstanding contributions in the fields of science, academia, and culture.

I am aware of the responsibilities of our generation. We have the task of revitalizing Japan, which is slowly declining and facing a host of problems. We need to discuss the future direction for Japan, establish a clear vision for its rebirth, and move forward step-by-step with a collaborative approach. We are responsible for leading Japan in the right direction. To this end, we are holding the second G1 Summit this year, called “The Sun will Rise Again: What our Generation can do.”

Let’s enjoy the G1 Summit. Let’s think about what we should do for the rebirth of Japan and start taking actions accordingly.

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